Pilates for Men
Good movement feels Good
More and more men are discovering why Pilates has grown so popular: it staves off the ageing process, keeps your back and joints pain-free, improves sports performance, and is the perfect complement to a regular gym routine. It was even founded by a man.
Due to hormonal and structural differences, men tend to be stronger but less flexible than women. Pilates is great for boosting balance and flexibility. Especially as you age, improving your ability to reach, rotate, swing and stretch can improve your golf game (boosting your drive by many yards!), your tennis game, your ability to shoulder-check to ensure safe driving, and your comfort when reaching down to tie your shoes.
Many men come to Pilates to help their aching backs. That’s because Pilates can easily and comfortably accommodate various back and joint problems, while still delivering fitness results. In fact, it was originally conceived as a rehabilitation practice, and, unlike a regular gym routine, Pilates enhances your mind-body connection and focus, which increases the likelihood of getting you out of pain—and keeping you there.
These are just a few of the reason why Pilates is perfect for men who want to move more easily, enhance their intimate relationships, improve their sports performance, or just feel years younger. No wonder more and more men are showing an increasing interest and taking up Pilates.
If you are ready to Improve how you Move please contact me here if you’d like to set up a no cost consultation or call me on 07786980068.